Shakeel Bakshi

Shakeel Bakshi
Born 30 March 1963(1963-03-30)
Batamaloo, Srinagar, Indian administered Kashmir

Shakeel Bakshi (شکیل بخشی) is a Youth Leader and one of the founder members of the Islamic Student League (ISL). The league is a political party organized since 1985 by College Students of Kashmir to protest against systematic occupation in Indian-Occupied Kashmir.


Brief Profile

Shakeel Bakshi is a political activist who advocates natural denied rights in Kashmir, which centers around the right of self-determination for the people. Shakeel Bakshi, was first arrested in 1975 when he participated in a general strike for political rights in Kashmir against compromise. He has spent the last 11 years of his life in and out of Indian government-run jails in Kashmir. Since 1980 he has been arrested 14 times. Mr. Bakshi's family has been harassed by the Indian authorities. His father, Molvi G. Muhammad Bakshi, was arrested and kept under detention without trial for one year for the political beliefs of his son.His all brothers were arrested and tortured because of Him. One of Mr. Bakshi's younger brother Showkat Bakshi spent 14 years in Jail.
Another younger brother, Shariq Ahmad, was shot in the leg by Indian forces in 1990 , later in 1998 he was killed. His mother and sisters have been subjected to indignities during many searches of the Bakshi house in Batmaloo,Srinagar Kashmir.


Born in 1963 in a middle class family of Batamaloo, Srinagar. Shakeel Bakshi used to be lost in deep thought's even during his childhood. Being physically naive and weak nobody could have imagined that this bony chap would one day open the doors to the War of Liberation of Kashmir and that too at an early age of 24.

Shakeel started his political career in 1979 as an active worker of the Islamic Students Organization JK for 4 years, he actively participated in the programmes of this organization. His affiliation to this prepared him mentally, for the time that was to come, to frame a political agenda for the Kashmiri Nation. By late 1983 Shakeel had matured into an orator of distinction, as was required, to deliver to the ruling class of Kashmir, the message that the people of Kashmir could not be taken for a ride anymore. This fiery spirit was displayed by Shakeel and his companions during the One-day International Cricket match played between India and the West Indies in a cricket stadium in Srinagar. Shakeel had to go underground for the time due to his activity.

This was the time when Shakeel had to appear for B.A Final examination. He managed to pass his exam with flying colours, despite all odds, and sought admission in the arabic post graduate department of the Kashmir University.

It was during his brief stay in the University Campus that Shakeel realized that the Freedom Struggle could not become popular without the support of the intelligentia of Kashmir. The Youth who wanted a reawakening of the Kashmiri Culture and the coming of Independence, to the Kashmiri nation, which had been traded off in 1947. The Youth were looking for a savior, who could kindle in their heart the flame of freedom, and they found him in the dynamic but simple personality of Shakeel Bakshi. The University recreation hall was made center of these activities and also to educate the youth about the pros and cons of the Kashmir Problem. As was expected it resulted in the arrest of Shakeel and others, under the draconian law Public Safety Act(PSA) in March 1984. Shakeel was however released on 08-April-1985. This confinement boosted his spirits and valor and he accelerated his glorious mission. He could not, however, continue his studies and sought employment in an Islamic Research Institution as a teacher at Soura in Srinagar.

The Story of his arrests did not stop here, he was again arrested in late 1985 for his pro-independence speech in Maisuma locality of Srinagar. After passing through a process of severe Torture he was put in the Hiranagar Jail in Jammu. Shakeel was released in mid 1986, when the Advisory Board(a board constituted under the provisions of the public safety act and compromising of the Chief Justice, some other judges and Govt. officials) revoked his detention. He was however re-arrested immediately and detained in the Kothibagh Police station for 3 months. It was during this period that he developed heart ailment and was hospitalized in the SMHS Hospital but wasn't however released, instead the provisions of the PSA(Public Safety Act) were again invoked and he was again detained in the Central Jail Srinagar. In March 1987 he was again hospitalized in the Srinagar Medical of Medical Sciences at Soura.

In March 1987 the stage was all set for the elections to the JK State Legislative Assembly. Shakeel was approached by some of his friends to contest the Amira Kadal constituency seat but he refused to uphold and ratify the Indian constitution by participating in these elections.He was released in mid 1987.This time he was directed to proceed to Jammu to look after the affairs of the organization, The Islamic Students League JK, which had been constituted in 1983. He started working as the sub editor of the Jammu based Daily Rahe Manzil. it was in Jammu, in late 1987, that during a press conference, when he wanted to know the stand of the Chief Minister, Dr.Farooq Abdullah, on Kashmir that he was re-arrested. then his release came after 15 long months in July 1989.He was released at a time when the situation in Kashmir had reached a boiling point and the freedom movement was in its budding. he once again joined the ranks of the freedom seekers and left no stone unturned to popularize the message of freedom among the people Kashmir.He organized rallies, processions and mass gatherings where he interacted freely with people. Of these processions the Historic procession to Shrine of the great kashmiri saint, Sheikh Noorudin(R.A.) at Charie Sharief, Budgam district of Kashmir in which over one million people participated, will always be remembered in the History of Kashmir and where resolution was passed. The credit for constituting a common platform comprising of 11 pro-freedom political parties under the name of "Tehreek e Hurriyat" also goes to Shakeel Bakshi.

Shakeel was of the opinion that the agricultural production and economic situation of Kashmir would play an important and decisive role in the out come of this struggle. He observed that the people of Kashmir would not able, with their already weak and shattered economy and agricultural production in name only, to sustain the pressures build up by the Indian occupational forces over a long period. In March 1990 Operation Alfalah(welfare) was launched to boost up agricultural production and economy in Kashmir. Shakeel raised the historic slogan "Anaaj Ugaaw Azaadi Paao"(grow food and attain freedom).Free vegetable seeds were distributed in the entire valley and this operation proved to be a big success. (it was worth mentioning that a major part of vegetables and food grains that are consumed in the valley are imported from other indian states and the blockade by the indian occupation forces in early 1990 could have resulted in large casulties of kashmiri people but for operation Alfalah).

Shakeel Bakshi the founding leader of the various political parties alliance "Tehreek Hurriyat Kashmir" of the Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir. Shakeel was arrested again on the 15th of April 1990 from the Zakura locality of Srinagar.

Shakeel Bakshi a 48 years old still unmarried has spend his youthful life in various interrogation centers, Torture cells and jails of India. He wants and demand freedom of his beloved homeland Kashmir, from the illegal, immoral, unconstitutional an forcible occupation of the Indian Imperialists.
According to Shakeel "if you are Sincere in giving the People of the State their Rights to Self determination you may keep all options available to them". the solution has to be as per the wishes of the people of the state and without their consent no agreement could be arrived at.


Since, 1980 Shakeel Bakshi has been arrested 14 times.




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